Marketing Now

Monash Enterprise Centre Website


The Monash Enterprise Centre (MEC) has just launched their brand new website built & designed by Marketing Now. The centre is home to some 40+ small businesses located in the City of Monash.

The MEC is also a business incubator which supports small business with their transition from a home based business to a commercial lease. As a business incubator, it presents a supportive environment for new and emerging business to flourish.

The Centre provides office space and administration services at competitive rates to its tenants. Local businesses can also acquire an associate membership to the centre for a nominal annual fee which extends them the benefits of being a virtual tenant. These virtual tenants get access to participate in networking opportunities and can use the meeting room facilities, as well as other benefits.

Monash Enterprise Centre

Project Details



Required a more extensive, user friendly CMS with new design and ecommerce payment integration.


Business grade CMS, Wep apps, eCommerce, Forms

Things We completed

1.) Responsive business catalyst CMS website
2.) Custom web apps
3.) Extensive business directory
4.) User training
5.) eCommerce payments

The Brief 

The brief from the centre manager was to deliver a website that allowed more flexibility for the way the website content was presented and structured as well as the overall layout. The ability to accept online payments for room bookings and client invoices was also vital.

The old website had a profile page for each of the current tenants as well as individual profile pages for each of the virtual tenants. This amounted to a significant amount of content that needed to be transferred to the new site and consequently managed by the MEC admin staff.

As a tenant of the Monash Enterprise Centre for a number of years, Marketing Now already had a firm grasp of the centre’s operations. The client required a website content management system CMS that gave more control, flexibility and functionality than the one it had. 

The ability to accept online payments for room booking and client invoices was also vital.

The New MEC Website

From sign off to site delivery and staff training, the new Monash Enterprise website was built and delivered within just 6 short weeks and on budget.

Marketing Now redesigned the tenant & associate profile pages and by using a powerful classification system, re-engineered this content into a useful business directory which is now conducive to networking and making business connections.

Marketing Now integrated an ecommerce payment system so the centre could accept payments for room hire or its client invoices and funds would be in the centre’s bank account the following day.

Training was delivered to the the MEC staff to enable them to update all website content and maintain the business directory.

As the Monash Enterprise Centre & Business Incubator is a not for profit organisation and supported by the City of Monash, Marketing Now was delighted to provide some bonus upgrades and pro bono extras . The new website is mobile and tablet friendly.

2015 Update: The Monash Enterprise Centre merged with the Eastern Innovation Business Centre (EIBC) and as such the Monash Enterprise Centre website that Marketing Now built in 2013 was decommissioned and it’s contents merged with the new EIBC website that Marketing Now built in 2015.

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